CP/M Tools and Utilities

The items below are a few remaining CP/M programs which I wrote for various purposes in the early 1990s. They are offered as a curiosity and in the hope that they might be useful to someone, especially as legacy computers are now of collectable interest. They are almost museum pieces now with many having been originally written before the internet was born.

Licence Terms

  • All of the tools and utilities below are, unless otherwise stated, Copyright (C) to M Shaw
  • All the programs below are freeware, free for both commercial and private use
  • The programs have been written for the author's own personal use
  • Most are around 30 years old and have not been recently tested
  • No warranty offered or implied, no liabilitiy is accepted in connection with or arising from the use of any of these programs
  • All programs must  be subjected to full evaluation and acceptance testing before use in a production environment
  • No support is offered. Use entirely at your own risk
  • You may not sell, resell or upload to any redistribution media without the direct permission of the author

You must virus scan all downloads before use and satisfy yourself of suitability and reliability before use
All uploads will have been scanned with a current (2021) version of Avast AV and contain no known malware
You can get a free virus scanner for personal use from Kaspersky, AVG or Avast

  • Unless stated otherwise, all of the tools are 8-bit binaries
CPM Tools

A handful of COM files which were written in assembler for various purposes and which may be used from a PROFILE.SUB file

24X80.COM  Set Amstrad PCW screen to 24 x 80 character mode
32X90.COM Set Amstrad PCW screen to 32 x 90 character mode
BAR.COM Display a status bar
BOOT.COM Reboot the machine
CHARS.COM Display character set
CLS.COM Clear Amstrad PCW screen
DRIVE_C.COM Enable virtual drive C
ECHO_OFF.COM Disable text output from a SUB file
ECHO_ON.COM Enable text output from a SUB file
ERROR.COM I forget what this does!
F9A.COM Sets the user group to F9A
HELLO.COM Hello World demo written in assembler
MENU.COM Menu enable
NORMAL.COM Revert colour scheme to light on dark background
PAUSE.COM Pauses for key input with a prompt
RETURN.COM Pauses for RETURN key to be pressed
REVERSE.COM Set colour scheme to dark on light background
SCROFF.COM Disable the screen
SCRON.COM Enable the screen
SIDE_1.COM Prompt for disk side 1
SIDE_2.COM Prompt for disk side 2


cpm.zip - 13 Kb (Amstrad PCW CP/M)

press-return.jpg (2900 bytes)

LocoScript Example Documents

A selection of example LocoScript 1, 2 and PC documents

lsdocs.zip - 253Kb


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Last updated on 20 February 2021 - This page is designed for 1024 x760 and higher resolution displays