Free Tools and Utilities

alert-tspt-x100.gif (1627 bytes) You must virus scan all downloads before use

Licence Terms

  • All uploads will have been scanned with a current (2021) version of Avast AV and contain no known malware
    You can get a free virus scanner for personal use from Kaspersky, AVG or Avast
    Some antivirus programs may report false positives. Please check any positives using several scanners
  • Most files will have been UPX compressed to save download bandwidth
  • All of the tools and utilities below are, unless otherwise stated, Copyright (C) to M Shaw
  • In downloading any file you accept the licence terms
  • Portions may be copyrighted to other authors. See any accompanying documentation
  • All the programs below are freeware, for both commercial and private use
  • The programs have been written for the author's own personal use and are used regularly
  • No warranty offered or implied, no liabilitiy is accepted in connection with or arising from the use of any of these programs
  • All programs must  be subjected to full evaluation and acceptance testing before use in a production environment
  • No support is offered. Use entirely at your own risk. You must satisfy yourself that any downloads are suitable
  • You may not sell, redistribute or upload to any redistribution media without the direct permission of the author
  • Good bug reports are welcomed. Random complaints without helpful information are not

A command-line ANSI file viewer and display tool which is capable of rendering text-mode ANSI art in the Windows console. Two alternate 'fix' methods are included to handle code page issues and character translation.  Various command-line options are available to single-step and trace-debug ANSI code interpretation  as well as options to display in monochrome and an option to slow down execution for animations

ANSIView can also be used as a batch script tool to display coloured text from the command line for user-interaction

Example screenshot displaying an image by ACiD (1992) using the -fix option

Use ansiview.exe /? for help

ansiview.exe - v1.02 - 42 Kb

For more information on ANSI art visit:

b2-x450.jpg (45060 bytes)

Keystroke interactivity for Batch Scripts with colour highlighting and banner facility to enrich batch output. Can also embed "C"-like escape sequences and time-out with a default response

See also the 16-bit version in DOS tools

Use ask.exe /? for help

ask.exe - 2.08 - 32 Kb

ask.png (4558 bytes)

BakupSeq - Backup Sequence

A batch script file-pruning tool to back up any file in a serial sequence. Very useful for daily logging scripts where a history of old logs needs to be retained. At the end of the specified retention sequence old logs are removed

Use bakupseq.exe /? for help

bakupseq.exe - v1.02 - 34 Kb

bakupseq.exe copy.log 10 /q
bakupseq.exe copy.log 10 /p:bak /q


A programmer's tool. A simple base64 encoder/decode. Requires VB5 runtimes to be installed (present on most systems already).  Note that the website link on the button is now out of date.

base64decode.exe - v1.01 - 15Kb

base64decode-x450.jpg (18937 bytes)
Batch File Tools

A ZIP file containing a number of useful batch script enhancement tools such as locating the cursor, box-drawing, colourised user input via text or keypress and formatted output via printf.exe

  • ask.exe
  • box.exe
  • copyclip.exe
  • gotoxy.exe
  • input.exe
  • printf.exe
  • textcolor.exe - 152 Kb

input-demo-crop-x400.png (4118 bytes)

This emulates British Railways standard signalling bell codes and allows a scripted replay of a bellcode exchange as might have been used by signalmen during the "mechanical" signalling era (ZIP file).  Includes suitable WAV sound effect files.

Use bellcode.exe /? for help 57 Kb

homesmall.gif (1194 bytes)


A primitive form of steganography. bmpconv.exe will convert any file to a Windows bitmap image while performing basic, symmetric encryption on the data block. bmpconv.exe can reconstruct the original file or show information about a BMP image. Use bmpconv.exe /? for help

The image on the right is a BMP of bmpconv.exe

bmpconv.exe v1.05 - 41 Kb (See also: encrypt, pwsave)

bmpconv.exe.bmp-x450.png (9754 bytes)

A small Brainfuck interpreter with basic parity checking derived from original code by Petter Wahlman. Command-line configurable. Use bf.exe /? for help

bf.exe v1.01 - 40 Kb

bf-fractal-colourx450.png (108801 bytes)

A simple command-line perpetual Gregorian calendar to print any given month. Does not support retrospective Julian calendar dates. Use calendar.exe /? for help

calendar.exe - v.1.05 - 36 Kb

calendar.png (1641 bytes)

Command-line utility to capture or restore a console screen to/from a file.  capture.exe is designed to be run from a batch script rather than 'standalone'
Use capture.exe /? for help

capture.exe - v.1.00 - 37 Kb


Was written for my old Windows web server and ran for many years without any issues. A reasonably sophisticated but very compact Web-CGI guestbook.  Not for use on public-facing servers without thorough testing

Features, guestbook admin/editing, CSS styles, keyword blocking, wildcard IP blocking, controlled admin access, email notification of posts via e.g. mailcmd.exe or sendmail

* This command should not be used on production webservers
* You must correctly configure security options on your webserver

cgibook.exe /? or
http://your-site/cgi-bin/cgibook.exe?help for help

cgibook.exe - v1.27 - 66 Kb

cgibook-x450.png (47429 bytes)

Provides a simple remote command line access via HTTP server CGI with IP block filtering and,command filtering. For use with development and lab webservers

* This command should not be used on production webservers
* You must correctly configure security options on your webserver

See cgicmd.exe /?  for help

cgicmd.exe  - v1.03 - 52Kb


Provides a simple emulation of pseudo-'FTP' via a browser interface. Access may be restricted via IP address only e.g. to localhost or a local IP subnet range.  It is not recommended to expose to internet-facing traffic. Offers folder creation, file download, file upload, delete etc. Can use a CSS style file and local icons.

* This command should not be used on production webservers
* You must correctly configure security options on your webserver

See cgiftp.exe /?  for help

cgiftp.exe  - v1.13 - 55Kb

vftp-x450.jpg (37470 bytes)

An experimental (i.e. unfinished alpha quality) POP3 webmail client. Functional enough to use as a test web interface to send,  receive and view emails. Lacks attachment sending support but can download/view attachments. Works fine with MicroApache and MailQ mailserver. POP3 proved to be too slow to be practical for a web client. IMAP would be much better and for this reason, development was halted.

* This application should not be used on production webservers
* You must correctly configure security options on your webserver

See cgipop.exe /?  for help

cgipop.exe - v0.32 - 94 Kb (alpha)

cgipop-x450.png (67018 bytes)
ChkSvc - Check Windows Service Status

A script utility to check the status of a given Windows service and return an ERRORLEVEL


Use chksvc.exe /? for help

chksvc.exe - v1.03 - 25 Kb

cksvc-x450.png (1326 bytes)

Eats (and thereby prunes) log files. "Chomps" (bites) off x bytes, xKb, xMb or xPercent from any file (binary or text) or can chomp to leave a specified amount

Use chomp.exe /? for help

chomp.exe - v1.09 - 46 Kb

CHOMP access.log leave 1m


Quick and dirty test to see if an IP address is within a given CIDR mask range. I may recompile this as a utility which can be used within batch files. This was v1.00 for testing (no help screen) - v1.00 - 15Kb (includes 2 test BAT files)


Copy text to the clipboard from the command-line or within batch scripts. Adds clipboard interactivity to scripts.

Use copyclip.exe /? for help

copyclip.exe - v1.04 - 28 Kb


Batch tool to count the number of files of any given type in a folder or subtree. Can alternatively show the total occupancy of that file type in bytes

Use count.exe /? for help

count.exe - v1.00 - 36Kb

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('count.exe *.tcl /s ') DO SET COUNT=%%i

Identify the CPU by querying it directly, and, if necessary, feeding back to a batch or other script. Can detect the CPU name, vendor, hyper-threading and if running on a hypervisor

Use cpuid.exe /? for help

cpuid.exe - v1.03 - 35 Kb

cpuid.png (3494 bytes)
DaysTo (Win32 CGI / Windows)

A dual Windows/CGI server application which, by default will show the number of days to a given date. Running as a CGI application with a set of BMP digit images it can display countdown interval in days, weeks, months, years, the date, time, random number. It can also select alternate style bitmaps from a different subfolder.   Not recommended for public-facing webservers without thorough testing

This should be run from a server's properly configured /cgi-bin/ folder. Digits will be sourced by default from /cgi-bin/digits.  If named digit sets are referred to these must be subfolders of /cgi-bin/digits

Use daysto.exe /? for help

daysto.exe - v1.13 - 52 Kb - v1.13 - 64 Kb

daysto-random.png (14071 bytes)daysto-date.png (2796 bytes)

A simple Windows scheduler, inspired by the Netware DELAYCMD.NLM. Runs as a visual, console application. Written for Windows NT/2k and before Windows Scheduler was more usable. Was used for several years in the early 2000s to schedule on Windows 2000. May still have a use for someone running older versions of Windows in a lab environment. Works under Windows NT to Server 2016.

See also the 16-bit DOS version in DOS Tools

Use delaycmd.exe /? for help

delaycmd.exe - v2.03 64 kb

delaycmd-x450.png (36326 bytes)

Calculates the occupation of the specified folder tree

Use dirsize.exe /? for help

dirsize.exe - v1.00 - 40 Kb


Batch file command which to report the size of a specified disk (optionally in Gb)

Use disksize.exe /? for help

disksize.exe - v1.00 - 33 Kb


Batch file command which can check and report on the specified disk type

Use disktype.exe /? for help

disktype.exe - v1.01 - 20 Kb


A DNS Blacklist check tool. Checks if an IP address is registered at a DNSBL site. By default will query 3 of the most popular DNSBL sites.

Use dnsblchk.exe /? for help

dnsblchk.exe - v1.00 - 44 Kb

dnsblchk-x450.png (3878 bytes)
Dummy (VB Runtime and Component Installer)

Installs various VB5 runtime controls via a "dummy" installer. It doesn't do anything other than install the controls which are necessary for various VB5 projects. Once installed many VB5 EXE binaries will run without needing any other components installing and can thus be treated as if they were "portable".

If you have VB5 binaries which you want to be portable then you may need to install "Dummy" once on your system.

Although 32-bit this program works with 64bit Windows 7
Note that there's a bug in the VB5 installer whereby installation is blocked if any path component contains unusual characters such as an underscore. (3 disk setup image) - 3147Kb

dummy-x450.jpg (31454 bytes)
RLMSign Emulator

This is a dummy (non-valid) version of Reprise RLMsign-x86.exe which can produce convincing looking "signed" RLM licence files for test purposes. I wrote this as a test substitute for the real rlmsign-x86.exe whilst writing a small application to sign skeleton RLM licence files. The resulting LIC file should be convincing enough to test scripts with but, of course, cannot be used actively on the RLM licence manager to serve real licences.  Can also "unsign" existing licence files to create a blank skeleton which can be edited and resigned by either this or the genuine rlmsign utility.

Use rlmsign-x86 /? for help

rlmsign-x86.exe - v1.02 - 38 Kb

rlmsign-foo-x400.png (51261 bytes)
Elevate - Quick and Easy Application Elevation

I wrote this as I frequently tinker with my system's hosts file and found gaining write access to it an irritating 'faff'. This simple utility offers command line elevation which can be driven by a convenient batch script.   It thereby offers the ability for scripted elevation. A user still needs to confirm UAC elevation but this tool makes launching much easier. Windows Vista and higher. Use elevate.exe /? for help

elevate.exe - v1.00 - 35 Kb

elevate.exe notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Encrypt - Simple, Low-Strength, Symmetric Encryption

Whilst low to moderate-strength the encrypted output would not be trivial to crack. Use sensibly, don't use to encrypt anything where which life may depend on but should be good enough for home or internal use and vastly preferable to potting administrative passords inside scripts.   Can also scramble the first 256 bytes of a file or file-header.

Use encrypt.exe /? for help

encrypt.exe - v1.02 - 38 Kb (See also: pwsave, rtfcrypt)
MD5: 4ec4cfc6ad909a658f52cab0b3c83ae6

encrypt.png (10476 bytes)

A curiosity which can take any file and generate "C" source code which, when compiled and run, will recreate the original file. Will RLE compress unless requested and weakly obfuscate the source file, adding the decoder to the generated source code .   Useful to send binaries via email. or through deep-scanning firewalls which block EXE or unknown/password-protected binary files. It should be possible to compile the resulting source in any standard Windows C++ compiler.

Use file2hex.exe /? for help

file2hex.exe - v2.11 - 49 Kb

file2hex-x450.png (128131 bytes)

Batch utility to compare two files on the basis of time, date, time+date, size or time+date and size. Can be used either via ERRORLEVEL or console string return

Use filecmp.exe /? for help

filecmp.exe - v1.00 - 38 Kb


Batch utility to check and report on the size of the specified file. It can optionally test against a specified file size using relational commands.

Use filesize.exe /? for help

filesize.exe - v1.02 - 26 Kb


Generates a very text mode fractal image. Written for performance comparison for the Ticol Tcl interpreter fractal script. Useful for benchmarking. Will run in about 500ms. Requires the console set to 100+ column mode and preferably small fonts in order to display properly.

Use fractal.exe /? for help

fractal.exe - v1.01 32Kb

fractal-x450.jpg (40739 bytes)
Free Backup

A simple script-based backup suitable for backing up personal files, source code etc. Can be used as a primitive form of source control. This is the method I've used for source control for over a decade and it has worked pretty well.


free-backup.png (7632 bytes)

A batch utility to return the first available (free) drive letter

Use freedriv /? for help

freedriv.exe - v1.02 - 24Kb

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('FreeDriv.exe /r /e ') DO SET FREEDRIVE=%%i

A Windows utility to schedule downloads from an FTP server using simple scripts - 2168 Kb

ftpauto.pdf - 143 Kb (Documentation)

ftpauto.jpg (39196 bytes)

A small utility to test connectivity to an FTP server. Handy where an FTP client package is not installed. Optionally accepts login username/password. Can be used via batch files for remote service diagnosis.

Use ftptest.exe /? for help

ftptest.exe - 39 Kb

C:\>ftptest localhost
Successful connect to localhost (ip port:21)


A command-line FTP client which can be driven from batch scripts or PowerShell. It has the ability to store obfuscated credentials, locked to the local machine. Supports Windows link (LNK) translation. Windows shortcuts can be created with preconfigured targets, which can then support drag/drop upload via icons

Supports Windows NT4 to Server 2016.

Use ftptool.exe /? for help

ftptool.exe - v1.19 - 92 Kb

ftptool.png (9290 bytes)

BIOS query tool. Can retrieve variouis aspects from standard bios data. e.g. getbios.exe /all will show all relevant information which the utility can query including manufacturer, baseboard, serial number etc.

Use getbios.exe /? for help

getbios.exe - v1.03 - 61 Kb

BIOS Information:

Vendor : LENOVO
Version : 6QET70WW (1.40 )
Date : 10/11/2012

System Information:

Manufacturer : LENOVO
Product name : 3680HE3

Batch command utility to launch a popup window to select a folder name. The selected folder name can be redirected back into the batch file

Use getdir.exe /? for help

getdir.exe - v1.01 - 32 Kb

getdir.jpg (19020 bytes)

Batch command utility to launch a popup window to select a filename. The selected file name can be redirected back into the batch file. A filespec may be specified as can file flags and the intial (starting) folder name

Use getfile.exe /? for help

getfile.exe - v1.01 - 30 Kb

getfile.jpg (32812 bytes)

Retrieve the PID (Process ID) of a batch script (actually cmd.exe). Useful for scripts to programmatically decide whether to "kill" itself etc. I wrote it for use with certain batch files on my webserver which had a habit of leaving console windows open after running certain scheduled batch files. This happened despite the use of EXIT at the end of the batch scripts.  See also: killproc

Use getpid.exe /? for help

getpid.exe - v1.01 - 22 Kb


Inspired by a very old DOS program which was given away on a PC magazine floppy disk a few decades ago, havewe.exe can show you the free disk space on any local drive or remote UNC share to which you have permission. It can also echo the free space value back to a script and I use it regularly in backup and ancillary scripts.

Use havewe.exe /? for help

havewe.exe - v1.07 - 40 Kb

havewe 20 mb on C:\
havewe \\snoopy\c$

CGI Highlight

A CGI application to provide dynamic syntax highlighting of VB or C like code, Can also be used to generate highlighted HTML to paste into static pages. Designed for Windows Apache webserver but should work fine with any Windows webserver which offers CGI handling. Most of the non-Tcl code on this site has been highlighted using this app.

The HTML content file must be located in the web tree and the syntax map file located under a cgi-bin folder.  ZIP file contains two example map files.

The image to the right shows the "Borland" C++ map file

Use highlight.exe /? for help - v1.11 - 41Kb

highligh-x450.png (46075 bytes)

A menu-driven batch script and associated exe tools to query host details (IP and MAC) address. This was designed for IT support roles where a person needs to gather and report back their IP and MAC address details (e.g. for product licensing). Will offer the resulting information to the clipboard so the person using it can paste into an email, e.g. if sending a report to a 3rd party.

See the batch script and readme.txt for more details. Just unzip to a folder and run hostquery.bat - v1.03 - 105Kb

hostquery.jpg (44941 bytes)

Converts HTML code into either a BAT file which can be used as a CGI script or further converted to a 16-bit COM file. (Note that COM files can't be used on 64 bit Windows without using a custom VDM)

Use html2bat.exe /? for help

html2bat.exe - v1.04 - 26 Kb

@echo off
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
rem Converted from hello.htm
rem By HTML2BAT v1.04 (c) M Shaw - 3rd January 2008
rem -------------------------------------------------------------
echo Content-type: text/html
echo ^<html^>
echo ^<head^>
echo ^<title^>Hello World^</title^>
echo ^</head^>

Perform an HTTP "ping" on a remote web host. This can be driven  by batch or other scripts to perform a periodic check to see if a given webserver is responding to requests. SSL is not supported. Sends to console or popup windows.

Use htping.exe /? for help

htping.exe - v1.04 - 38 Kb

htping.png (16248 bytes)

Input a string from the console and use within batch scripts. See also batchtools

Use input.exe /? for help - 34 Kb

input.png (634 bytes)

A generic IPV4 utility. Scripts can perform IP calculations on subnets, masks etc. Written to dynamically configure a popular DHCP server for use with PXE and TFTPD32 by performing some basic subnet math and logic in order to calculate DHCP settings.  Was written to manage dhcpd32 confguration.  The results can be rediected back into a batch script

Use ipcalc.exe /? for help

ipcalc.exe - v1.12 - 36 Kb

ipcalc..png (3224 bytes)

Checks a workstation's IP address against an expected IP address, IP range or CIDR mask. On match it can display either a boolean, the IP address, MAC address or resolve to a name

Use isaddr.exe /? for help

isaddr.exe - v1.02 - 37 Kb

C:\>isaddr.exe 192.168.3.*

A script can check whether or not it is running as elevated "Administrator" before continuing. Use isasdmin.exe /? for help

isadmin.exe - v1.04 - 32 Kb


Check whether today is a given day or not. Checks only Western day names.
Use isday.exe /? for help

isday.exe - v1.02 - 24 Kb

C:\>isday.exe sun /v
Today is NOT "sun"

A batch file utility which checks if a file is write-locked

Use: islocked.exe /? for help

islocked.exe - v1.04 - 24 Kb


Checks the currently logged-on user name. Useful for restricting script to run only as a specified user.

Use isuser.exe /? for help

isuser.exe - v1.02 - 28 Kb

C:\>isuser.exe admin /v
The current user (Admin) matches the given one(s)

32-bit utility to check the "bitness" of the current version of Windows. either silently via ERRORLEVEL or verbosely at the console

Use iswin64.exe /? for help

iswin64.exe - v1.02 - 24 Kb

iswin64.jpg (7022 bytes)

A batch file utility to check if a drive letter or path is writeable or not

Use iswrite.exe /? for help

iswrite.exe - v.1.03 - 31 Kb


Template-based INI file updater. Can take a template INI file and dynamically update a target INI configuration file using that template. Originally designed to dynamically configure roaming Windows 3.x video drivers, but has found lots of other uses since. Includes macros variables etc.

Use iupdate.exe /? for help

iupdate.exe - v2.01 - 47 Kb

iupdate-x450.png (37381 bytes)

A task tray resident utility to "kill" (prevent) the caps lock from functioning and avoid accidentally triggering ALL CAPS. Written in Visual BASIC 5.0 and requires the VB runtime (present in most recent versions of Windows). KillCaps checks the CAPS lock key every 200 ms and resets (clears) it.

killcaps.exe - v1.02 - 24 Kb

killcaps.jpg (8382 bytes)

A simple process-killer for Windows. See also: getpid

Use killproc /? for help

killproc.exe - v1.02 - 68 Kb


A portable launcher for MicroApache 1.3.x
This script configures the document root, server root and spawns mapache.exe
Was designed for MicroApache. Although Apache 1.x is now deprecated it may still be useful for legacy testing

Use launch13x.exe /? for help

launch13x.exe - v1.06 - 50 Kb


A converter for the 1980s vintage CP/M based LocoScript wordprocessor.

This application will convert about 90% of a document from LocoScript 1, 2 and PC Professional formats to Rich Text (RTF), keeping major styles. Does not handle LocoMail, LocoFile etc. just basic text with formatting

This is a VB5 setup. Unzip and run setup.exe from the disk1 folder. Be sure not to run from a folder with an underscore _ or other non alphanumeric character in the path.

Conversion is a little slow and has not been optimised, but unlike all other converters I tried, this does work. There's insufficient demand for LocoScript conversion to justify an optimising rewrite and this was written primarily to convert my own large document collection. (installer) - 1,969 Kb (LS1, LS2, LSPro test documents) - 235 Kb

lococonv-x450.png (72721 bytes)
LogView (PHP Script)

A PHP script written for OpenWRT Linux or Windows which is functionally equivalent to TailCGI. It enables remote viewing of Apache server log files. Several configurable themes are defined and these are expandable by updating the script. IP filter access control is provided via both a configurable INI file or hard-coded in the script. IP filtering can permit several addresses with fine-grained filtering on IP octet using * and ? wildcards.  See also TailCGI

Webserver security must be enabled via server password access in addition to IP restrictions.

I found that on OpenWRT the folder, /tmp/log/apache2 could not have persistent access attributes set, which meant that LogView can't read log files. I solved this by moving Apache and PHP logging to a new, persistent folder on the USB mount in /log/apache2 and chmod to 767

This is a beta version, testing is recommended and bug-reports/comments welcomed.

logview.php - 40Kb - v1.02 (PHP script) -   Beta (rename to .php)
logview.css  - 1Kb - An example CSS file
logview.ini - 1Kb - An example INI file (created automatically)
readme.txt - 7Kb - Installation and usage  - 27kb - Complete package as a ZIP file
(MD5: 2ca2ff14df484b3f8312b182faa1af57)

logview-log-x450.jpg (56306 bytes)

A public domain altenative to lorem ipsum generated by the author, M Shaw. Contains reasonably plausible latin text which can be used as a "placeholder" in forms etc. during design. I was frustrated at finding specimen text subject to legal restrictions so decided to create one which wasn't.

Licence: none. Copyright: none. This is text placed in the public domain by the author and may be used without restriction

lorem.txt - 5Kb

Ordo et continuatio innititur veritati
ut intellectum petit. universum
manifestum est quod labe in constant
omnium quae sunt essentia. Quod vivit moriendum
et moriendi, vita data est.
MailCMD (Mail Command)

A flexible command-line emailer which has been in daily use for many years. Useful to add email notifications to batch or other scripts.   Extremely useful for IT department system notifcations

Supports multiple addressees, distribution lists, plain and rich HTML attachments, built-in attachment ZIPping, macro variables. ESMTP AUTH PLAIN and AUTH CRAM-MD5 authentication are supported.  SSL/TLS is not yet supported.

Single, compact, exe binary, no external DLLs required. Easy to drive from Windows batch, PowerShell or Tcl scripts. Can be used by internal IT departments in conjunction with a segregated internal  mail server such as MailQ

Use mailcmd.exe /? for help

Image shows mailcmd.exe running in /debug mode, revealing the SMTP conversation

mailcmd.exe - v1.19 - 102 Kb

mailcmd-debug-x450.jpg (59067 bytes)

A simple test tool for non-encrypted (non-TLS) for both POP3 and SMTP mail servers.

Can show transaction details and is able to colour-highlight packet fragmentation


Useful for testing in conjunction with mail server setup, e.g.  MailQ

Use mailtest.exe /? for help

mailtext.exe v1.03a - 65 Kb

mailtest-x450.jpg (51486 bytes)

Create Windows shortcuts (LNK) files, including URL links from the command line or within batch files.  This is a powerful tool, use with care

Use makelink.exe /? for help

makelink.exe - v1.15 - 108 Kb


A bulk-file renaming security tool for use with batch scripts or standalone. MassRen can rename all files within a specified folder to a random filename. Useful for renaming large numbers of files before deleting via the recycle bin

Use massren.exe /? for help

massren.exe - v1.00 - 36 Kb

Command-Line MD5 Generator

A quick and simple MD5 file generator. Output is flexible and can be passed back to a batch or other script for use. Can process multiple files and subdirectories. A reference version for testing can be downloaded here

Use md5.exe /? for help

md5.exe - v1.02 - 42 Kb (MD5 is 1a5bb07f9dd9047e32b334cf97263f39)

C:\tools>md5 mkinline.exe /q


Sets Windows date or time-formatted environment variables and may optionally spawn a Windows executable which can inherit this new environment.

Note that the parent environment cannot be modified (as was previously the case with DOS).  Mkdate is useful for driving batch files which need to create filenames based on complex date formatting data, e.g. backup ZIP archives etc.

Use mkdate.exe /? for help

mkdate.exe   v2.08 - 80 Kb


A batch tool to create unique GUID strings

Use mkguide.exe /? for help

mkguid.exe - v1..01 - 28 Kb


A command-line tool to make inline HTML image data blocks from image files for use within web pages. Use mkinline.exe /? for help

mkinline.exe - v1.05 - 75 Kb

mkinline.png (71729 bytes)

A command-line MP3 and general media player which can play a variety of media depending on installed codecs such as MP4, MOV or OGG files. This also includes still images such as BMP or JPEG. It will also handle the most common MP3 descriptive tags and show them in the scrolling display

It can also play media via http:// or ftp:// connections including plain ftp with login credentials. Pause (space), next track (enter), advance 10s (TAB) and halt (ESC) are supported as well as wildcard file and folder selection. Basic MP3 file tags are decoded, both UTF-16 and ANSI.

MP3Play can be configured via an INI file for common preferences

Compressed using UPX 4.2.4

Use mp3play.exe /? for help

mp3play.exe - v1.12 - 52 Kb (5/Jul/2024)

mp3play-x450.jpg (34312 bytes)

A DNS lookup tool to query MX or A records for use with MailQ mail server.

Use mxquery.exe /? for help

mxquery.exe - v1.04 - 50Kb

mxquery.png (2850 bytes)
NetWare Snake Screensaver for Windows

An implementation of a NetWare style "snake" screensaver which implements multiple multi-threaded snakes with much more interesting randomised behaviour.

This was written as an exercise in writing multi-threaded code. It emulates console mode, running as a GUI application and supporting multiple monitors. 

This is a geek utility. Configurable via INI file only. Able to show the hostname, date, time and optionally, estimated CPU utilisation. Can run in Windowed or full screen "console" mode.  At some point I will add the configuraiton menu and tie the snake speed to some performance attribute although high snake speeds can soak CPU time

Rename winsnake.exe as winsnake.scr and copy to \windows\system32 to use as a screensaver. Not recommended for Windows server use with the CPU trace option as it will create an additional CPU load on heavily loaded servers.

32-bit. NT4, 2k, XP, Win7, Server 2008,2012,2016 only
Not ReactOS or Windows 9x

Use winsnake.exe /? for help - v1.08 - 52 Kb

winsnake.png (3595 bytes)

A parity-checker for a wide range of script files. Written to assist checking Brainfuck and Tcl files it shows counts of key characters such as [] and checks brace/bracket parity, shoqing a warning where there is a mismatch.

Use parity.exe /? for help

parity.exe - v1.00 - 35 Kb

parity.png (3611 bytes)

Safely 'prunes' (deletes) empty folders from a directory tree
Uses only the rmdir() call which will fail if a folder is not empty
Has options to traverse the current directory or the whole subtree

Use prune.exe /? for help

prune.exe - v1.00 - 37 Kb


Batch tool to check if a given process name exists

Use psexists.exe /? for help

psexists.exe - v1.00 - 31Kb


A random password generator tool. Use pwgen.exe /? for help

pwgen.exe - v1.06 - 64Kb


Save encrypted/obfuscated copy of a credential to a local file so it can easily be retrieved by a batch script without the need to put the password inside the script as commonly occurs in many IT departments. This avoids the need to put plantext passwords within Windows batch scripts. The password is retrievable only on the local machine it is saved on. Use responsibly and don't use for anything which your life may depend on.

Use pwsave.exe /? for help

pwsave.exe - v1.03 - 86 Kb (See also: encrypt)

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('pwsave.exe pw.db') DO SET PASSWORD=%%i
ECHO Password is '%PASSWORD%'

Empty the Windows recycle bin from the command-line or within batch files via shell32.dll

Use recycle.exe /? for help

recycle.exe - v1.01 - 24 Kb


Backs up a file with sequence name. (See also bakupseq.exe which does a better job)

Use renbak.exe /? for help

renbak.exe - v1.00 - 50 Kb


Directory rename tool. Use rendir.exe /? for help

rendir.exe - 28 Kb


Read an RLM (Reprise Licence Manager) licence, either from stdin or from file and output a sorted list of modules. Useful for querying/analysing licences with scripts

rlmsort.exe v1.01 - 37kb



A utllity to encrypt any file into a RTF file or Windows BMP image and back. Uses weak symmetric encryption

Use rtfcrypt.exe /? for help

rtfcrypt.exe - v1.09 - 56Kb (Update)   (See also: encrypt) - v1.08 - 116 Kb (Includes required DLL)

readme.txt.png (1805 bytes)

A general purpose TCP/IP/HTTP and environment query tool written by the author to fulfill various admin tasks

Use showip.exe /? for help

showip.exe - v1.17 - 51 Kb - v1.17 - 53 Kb (includes demo batch scripts)


A command-line Windows slide-show which can display BMP or DIB images

Use slideshow.exe /? for help

slideshow.exe - v1.00 - 40 Kb


Controls Windows hibernation. Can enter sleep (suspend) mode, hibernate (if enabled), or disable wake events.

Use snooze.exe /? for help

snooze.exe - v1.00 - 27 Kb


Allows a script to "ping" a remote host by socket. Written primarily for local LAN service diagnostics. Can be useful to test if SMB or HTTP etc. ports are open via firewall configuration such as with VirtualBox VMs.

Use sockping.exe /? for help

sockping.exe - v1.01 - 35 Kb

sockping-x450.png (1679 bytes)

Allows a batch or other script to take control over Windows volume settings. To turn off or on or to set the volume at a gtiven level. Use soundcmd.exe /? for help.

Use soundcmd.exe  /? for help

soundcmd.exe - v1.02 - 24 Kb


Strips or normalises tab characters within a text file (ANSI only).

Use tabstrip..exe  /? for help

tabstrip.exe - v2.03 - 26 Kb

Tail for Windows

A version of Tail written in Visual BASIC. I wrote this to help manage my own webserver and it was in regular use for about 5 years.  Requires VB5 runtime to be installed. - v1.45 - 24 Kb (Use this if you have VB5 runtimes+controls installed)

tail4-x450.jpg (45402 bytes)

A simple 32-bit Windows web CGI version of the *nix tail command which can "follow" updates in any text-format log file as it is updated .  Requires tailcgi.ini to be configured for correct security. Copy to the /cgi-bin/ folder of your webserver and apply appropriate web-security to limit access either to local subnets or via password.

See also LogView

* This command should not be used on production webservers
* You must correctly configure security options on your webserver
* Webserver security must be enabled via password access

Use tailcgi.exe /? for help

tailcgi.exe - v1.14 - 41 Kb

tailcgi-2.jpg (67741 bytes)

A simple Windows console version of the *nix tail command which can "follow" updates in any text-format log file as it is updated. Handy for monitoring processes such as web or mail server

Use tailcmd.exe /? for help

tailcmd.exe - v1.12 - 41 Kb

tailcmd.png (50989 bytes)

Converts Ticol Tcl source code to a C/C++ string variable block, performing necessary escaping and line termination. This enabled Tcl source code to be embedded within a C/C++ EXE file. This app was written to enable existing Tcl code to be embedded within an embedded Tcl interpreter. Can create contiguous 2Kb string variable blocks for use with MSVC 5.0. See also Ticol Tcl Interpreter

Use tcl2c.exe /? for help

tcl2c.exe - v1.15 - 45 Kb

tcl2c-x450.jpg (17351 bytes)

Set the console text colour for one or more lines in a Windows batch script. Use textcolor /? for help

Note that darkyellow uses a custom colour (orange) in the image. See reg file below.

textcolor.exe - v1.00 31 Kb

console-orange.reg - 1 Kb

textcolor-x450.png (41345 bytes)

A wrapper utility to configure and launch tftpd32.exe v4.00. Written to work around some deficiencies in configuration and to allow easy testing of PXE setups. Will dynamically configure IP, loader and DHCP then launch tftpd32.exe. e.g...

tftplaunch.exe /k /s:grub /bf:\grldr /ps:20 %1 %2 /auto

Use tftplaunch.exe /? for help

tftplaunch.exe - v1.02 - 38 Kb

tftplaunch.png (14231 bytes)
Ticol Tcl Interpreter

A modest Tcl interpreter which I wrote originally for my own use and which was in use for many years in a busy IT department. It was used variously for server monitoring, text-processing and as a CGI back end web driver to a network monitoring and analysis tool. I've used it for all sorts of jobs in preference to PowerShell. It has the advantage of having a very small foorprint, being fully portable and no dependencies which aren't already part of Windows. A variety of add-on modules are also available.

Compatible with Windows NT family versions from NT4/SP6a to Windows 10/Server 2016 and ReactOS


ticol-screenshot-x450.png (40727 bytes)

A batch tool to calculate the difference between two time values. Can be used to calculate a countdown to a fixed launch/run time within a batch script

Use timediff.exe /? for help

timediff.exe - v1.00 - 35 Kb

SET TEST=12:00
ECHO Testing %TEST% to current system time %time%
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('TimeDiff.exe %TEST%') DO SET SECS_DIFF=%%i
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('TimeDiff.exe %TEST% /mins') DO SET MINS_DIFF=%%i
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('TimeDiff.exe %TEST% /hours') DO SET HOURS_DIFF=%%i
echo SECS_DIFF=%SECS_DIFF% second(s)
echo MINS_DIFF=%MINS_DIFF% minute(s)
echo HOURS_DIFF=%HOURS_DIFF% hour(s)

A utility which will analyse a CSV data file produced by havewe.exe (see above) and generate disk space trend data. This has been used in the past along with public domain graph generating software to generate automatic visual disk space consumption trend reports. See also: dirsize

Use trend.exe /? for help

trend.exe - v1.02 - 76 Kb


A handy command-line tool to show the unique file types found in a given folder or folder tree. Optionally, these can be colour highlighted or output in list format

Use types.exe /? for help

types.exe - v1.04 - 36 kb

ans asc asm b bad bas bat bf bmp c cfg chm cpp csv

A command-line tool to lock or obfuscate a Windows executable file by modifying the magic bytes of the file header. This prevents the file from being launched until the changes are reverted and renders the file safe for storage or file-transmission without needing to encrypt it. The file contents can still be viewed in a standard HEX dumper.

In many cases the modified file may be transmitted by email as an attachment without being blocked. A recpient can either use this app or a hex editor to revert the changes.   The header signature can be replaced with BMP, JPEG, 7Z or PS headers. Tested successfully transmitting an exe via Gmail (2021).

unexe.exe - v1.00 - 34 kb

unexe.jpg (48657 bytes)

A stream-based, redirectable filter program which takes a file stream redirect in Unicode and converts as best it can to ANSI. Use the Windows console pipe or redirection characters to direct the text stream.  Useful to convert "messy" unicode output from tools such as WMIC and pipe into other scripts.

Use uni2ansi.exe /? for help

uni2ansi.exe - v1.02 - 25 Kb

REM SN.BAT - Reads PC BIOS Serial No. - Called by GETVAL.BAT
WMIC BIOS GET serialnumber /VALUE | uni2ansi.exe /NOCRLF
VBS (Command-Line VB Scripts)

Enables the running of VBScript code statments directly from the command line. Can be useful to call advanced VB commands within batch or other scripts. Single-line script can be called and piped using the pipe character. VBScript must be installed on the system

Note that Console.WriteLn must be defined in order to generate console output as follows and which will enable Con.WriteLine. WScript objects are not available.

Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Con = fso.GetStandardStream (1)

As this utility is stream-based, VB Script files must be piped using the bar character: type foo.vbs | vbs.exe

Note that there is no debugger so debugging code using this utility is problematic. Only thoroughly debugged code should be used and this utility should not be used to develop code.

Use vbs.exe /? for help

vbs.exe v1.00 - 40 Kb

vbstest.bat (Test Batch File)

ECHO Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):Set Con = fso.GetStandardStream (1):Con.WriteLine eval("22/7.0") | vbs.exe

Display diagonal text on the console. Can also operate as a continual real-time calendar or clock.

Example: warp.exe /cls /date /time /loop /color:yellow

Use warp.exe /? for help

warp.exe - v1.00 - 37 Kb

warped-clockpngx450.png (14743 bytes)

Windows version detector.  Can be combined with IF /I within batch script to take actions dependent on the particular Windows major, minor or service-pack version. Use wver.exe /? for help

wver.exe - v1.04 - 36 Kb

Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1) [Version 6.1.7601] 64-bit

Batch file date formatting tool. Can echo the system date in a large variety of formats including PHP-like date/time tokens. Useful for creating file and folder names based on the current date or time.

Use xdate.exe /? for help

xdate.exe - v1.00 - 42 Kb

C:\>xdate.exe "/f:Y m d - H:i:s"
2021 03 04 - 12:34:56

Simple command-line hex dumper. Essential if you want to be a Hollywood hacker

Use xdump.exe /? for help

xdump.exe - v2.04 - 36 Kb

xdump-x450.png (2516 bytes)

Drive mapping utility similar to Windows' "NET USE". However, xmap can store and retrieve obfuscated passwords as well as log events and operate in 'quiet' mode. Was written for NT 4.x, Windows 2000 and Windows XP use

Use xmap.exe /? for help

xmap.exe - v2.08 - 46 Kb

xmap.exe * \\snoopy\drive-c$ /user=admin /log /q

Extended ping utility. Can perform a subnet search or run a continous graphic trace of host response. Use xping /? for help

xping.exe - v1.13 - 61 Kb

xping.png (1738 bytes)

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Last updated on 05 July 2024 - This page is designed for 1024 x760 and higher resolution displays